Project archive
Peer Review VNFIL Extended
Establishing Peer Review in institutions providing validation of non-formal and informal learning, Erasmus+ project, (2015 – 2018)
QualiTools for ICT-Trainers
Enhancing the use of QualiTools, i.e. tools for evaluation and improvement of learning processes in the classroom, in vocational education and training
Erasmus+ project (2015 – 2018)
Quality criteria for the validation of non-formal and informal learning
Development of a quality criteria catalogue for the validation of non-formal and informal learning, commissioned by Austrian ministry of education BMBWF (2017-2018)
Monitoring of the “Initiative Erwachsenenbildung”
the Austrian initiative for basic skills and competences for adults
for the Austrian Ministry of Education (BMBF) (2012-2017)
Peer Review at the Pedagogical University Krems-Wien (KPH Wien-Krems)
Facilitating self-evaluation and preparation/training for Peer Review for the Pedagogical University Krems-Wien (2016-17)
Schulentwicklung in SQA / School development in the Austrian Quality Initiative
Basic concepts and tools to support school development in the framework of quality management of schools in Austria,
Expertise for the Austrian Ministry of Education (BMBF) (2016-2017)
Country study “Vocational education and training in Austria”
for the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training –
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) (2015-16)
Evaluation of the impact of the visitor and information programmes 2010-2015
for the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (2015)
Evaluation in SQA (Schulqualität Allgemeinbildung)
Evaluation in the Austrian school quality management initiative SQA
Expertise for the Austrian Ministry of Education (BMBF) (2015)
PRALINE – Peer Review in Adult Learning
Further development of the European Peer Review for institutions providing Adult Learning in Europa, (2014-2017)
Development of quality assurance instruments for processes of recognition and validation of informal and non-formal learning, adaptation of the European Peer Review procedure
Expertise on quality assurance and evaluation, coordination and testing, support for transfer of Peer Review to validation, evaluation
LdV Transfer of Innovation (2014-2015)
Computer-Science-Management/Kommunikations- und Mediendesign
Evaluation and facilitation of the implementation of the study programme CSM/KoMD at the Hertha Firnberg Schulen in Vienna
Gender analysis, facilitation and process guidance for the development of gender sensitive teaching and learning processes (2010-2014)
OWLS – Outcomes that work for learners & their stakeholders
Expert for the LLL project OWLS – Outcomes that work for learners & their stakeholders (2011-2014)
Educational offer of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung
Evaluation of the educational offer of the “Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit”, the liberal political foundation in Germany,, (2012-13)
Mobile learning devices in schools 2012-13
Evaluation of the project „Mobile learning devices in schools 2012-13“
for the Austrian ministry of education, arts and culture, (2012-13)
Peer Review for the Common Quality Assurance Framework for VET
Expertise and training for the project „Peer Review for CQAF-VET. Facilitating a Common Quality Assurance Framework through Peer Review for VET (2012-14)
Evaluation of IT Exchange Programme
Evaluation of an exchange project for practical training of students of IT-programmes between the UAS (University of Applied Sciences) Technikum Wien and the partner university Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava in the Czech Republic (2012)
Management approaches to establishing a quality culture within VET institutions
Expertise for the CEDEFOP Study and Handbook “Management approaches to establishing a quality culture within VET institutions”, coordinated by INBAS and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (2012)
Austrian National Education Report 2012: European initiatives
Author of the chapter 2 “European initiatives in education and national educational policy: Experiences and assessment of national contributions and reactions to EU initiatives” for the Austrian National Education Report 2012
Evaluation of the Study Programme Computer-Science-Management
at the Hertha Firnberg Schulen, Vienna; Gender analysis, facilitation and process guidance for the development of gender sensitive teaching and learning processes. Austrian Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (2010-2012)
Establishing Peer Review in the field of educational/vocational information and counselling
Expert, trainer (evaluation and training for Peers) and evaluator (process and impact) for the project EuroPeerGuid (2011-2012)
Peer Review Impact
Assessing the impact of Peer Review
LdV TOI Finland FNBE; responsibility for research and dissemination/networking, development of Peer Review Impact Guidelines (2009-2011)
ValeRIA – Evaluating the Relationship between Teaching and Learning
LdV TOI Italy, IPSIA Monza; expert (2009-2011)
Project “Netbooks”
Evaluation of the project Netbooks (using netbooks in education and training at Austrian schools) for the Austrian ministry of education (2011)
Project “Culture pilots”
Evaluation of the project “culture pilots” ÖGB KulturlotsInnen for the Austrian Trade Union Federation (VÖGB/ÖGB) (2011)
Gender Mainstreaming Audit
Gender Mainstreaming Audit for the University of Applied Sciences (FH) bfi Wien 2010
Lifelong Leaning Programme
Interim Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Programme Austria (2009-2010)
Expert for ENQA VET, Thematic Group on Peer Review (2008-2009)
Coordination of first Peer Review pilot project (Peer Review within QIBB) in Austria (2008-2009).
Coordination of LdV Project “Peer Review Extended II” (2007-2009)
LdV Project MAP_ECVET: scientific expertise (2007-2009).
IT and Science for Girls: Study on new approaches to make IT and Science education attractive for female students in initial VET (2008-2009)
Gender Mainstreaming Audit for the Fachhochschule (FH) bfi Wien (2007 – 2009).
„Schulporträt“ (external evaluation portrait) KMS Selzergasse, commissioned by BMUKK (2009).
Development of concepts for training of Peers and Peer Review Facilitators (2008-2009), commissioned by ARQA-VET.
Feasibility Study for implementation of Peer Review and establishment of a Peer Review Network in VET in Austria (2008-2009), commissioned by ARQA-VET.
Evaluation of INTERREG IIIA project “IGR Burgendland” of the ÖGB Burgenland (2005-2008).
Coordination of LdV Project “Peer Review Extended” (2007)
Coordination of LdV Project “Peer Review as an Instrument of Quality Assurance and Development in initial Vocational Education and Training” (2004-2007)