Enhancing commitment to use of internal evaluations
Symposion of the fteval, 30.11.2020 (venue in Vienna or online)
According to common wisdom internal evaluations are used to bring about improvements and development more often and to a higher degree than external evaluations. After all, the evaluation has been “commissioned” and conducted by the organisation itself. Yet, how strong is the commitment to following-up on internal evaluations in real organisations? And how can the use of results be enhanced?
The Austrian Plattform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation fteval will dedicate its annual symposion to delving into the matter. In the conference different starting points and stumbling blocks for internal evaluations will be discussed from different perspectives.
Maria Gutknecht-Gmeiner will facitlitate the event, which will be held on-site in Vienna or online (depending on the Covid-19 situation).
Registration here